We are offering two different spectroscopy training courses! From Fundamentals of Near-infrared Spectroscopy to B&W Tek i-Raman® operations training you will be able to advance your skills through our interactive hands-on courses. Scroll down to see our spectroscopy course offerings.

Fundamentals of NIR Spectroscopy is a three-day, in-depth course guiding you through NIR theory, data acquisition and instrument maintenance. This course explains how to develop models for identification and quantification of samples using Vision chemometric software. Data validation as well as data and instrument management using Vision Air management software is covered. Hands-on exercises and Q&A sessions help answer your key learning needs.
Who should attend?
Operators of Metrohm NIR benchtop systems, lab managers and supervisors, anyone desiring a deeper knowledge of use and function of Metrohm NIR systems.
What knowledge will you leave with?
A fundamental understanding of hardware maintenance, data acquisition, how qualitative and quantitative NIR analysis works and practice in creating models and libraries.


Day 1: Diagnostics and Data Acquisition

  • Spectroscopy and NIR theory
  • Instrumentation
  • Sampling methods
  • Instrument diagnostics and maintenance
  • Data acquisition with Vision Air

Day 2: Quantitative Model Development

  • Introduction to chemometrics
  • Math pretreatments
  • Outlier detection
  • Regression method development and method validation

Day 3: Qualitative Model Development

  • Identification and qualification method development
  • Hands-on examples
  • Vision Air instrument management

The B&W Tek i-Raman® Operations course is a three-day, in-depth course guiding you through Raman theory, data acquisition and instrument maintenance. This course covers the use of BWIQ and BWID software for quantitative and qualitative model development. Post collection data analysis, pre-processing techniques, and library validation will be addressed. Hands-on exercises and Q&A sessions help translate theoretical concepts into practice.
Who should attend?
Operators of B&W Tek i-Raman® systems, lab managers and supervisors, or anyone desiring a deeper knowledge of the use and function of B&W Tek i-Raman® systems.
What knowledge will you leave with?
A fundamental understanding of hardware maintenance, data acquisition, how qualitative and quantitative Raman analysis works, and the ability to create models and libraries.

    *Kindly note that these are paid training session provided to customers using Metrohm instruments.