We are offering three different titration training courses! From Karl Fischer to Potentiometric training you will be able to advance your skills through our interactive hands-on courses. Our latest addition to our course catalog is “OMNIS Applications, Operation and Maintenance”.
Click on each button below to learn about our titration course offerings.
The OMNIS training course is a two-and-a-half-day in-depth course that leads the attendee through the basics, practical applications, operation and maintenance of the OMNIS titration system. Interactive Q&A sessions and hands-on laboratory exercises ensure you get the most out of your time in the classroom. No previous knowledge of titration instrumentation is required.
Who should attend?
New titration or OMNIS users, those new to Metrohm or those who want to grow their skills.
What knowledge will you leave with?
A fundamental understanding of OMNIS titration analysis, applications and systems, how to operate and standardize your titrators, as well as the capability to troubleshoot your system and keep it in top condition.
Day 1: Introduction, setup, and basic operation
- Introduction to the OMNIS platform
- OMNIS hardware
- Measurement and standardization exercises
Day 2: Building methods
- Software licensing and networks
- Sample handling techniques
- Method development
- Practical workshops in method development and operation
Day 3: OMNIS Automation (1/2 day)
- Automating analyses
- Troubleshooting
Fundamentals of Potentiometric Titration is a three-day in-depth course that leads the attendee through the basics, practical applications, operation and maintenance of potentiometric titration systems and electrodes. Interactive Q&A sessions and hands-on laboratory exercises ensure you get the most out of your time in the classroom. No previous knowledge of titration instrumentation is required. Recommended within six months of installation or at any time to train a new operator.
Who should attend?
New titration users, those new to Metrohm, those who want to grow their skills. No previous experience required.
What knowledge will you leave with?
A fundamental understanding of potentiometric titration analysis, applications and systems, how to operate and standardize your titrators, as well as the capability to troubleshoot your system and keep it in top condition.
Day 1: Theory of Potentiometric Titration
- Introduction to electrodes
- Potentiometric titration overview
- Introduction to tiamo™ software
- Measurement and standardization exercises
Day 2: Optimization of Methods
- Titration parameters
- Sample handling techniques
- Method development
- Practical workshops in method development and operation
Day 3: Maintenance and Troubleshooting (1/2 Day)
- Electrode and instrument maintenance
- Troubleshooting
Fundamentals of Potentiometric Titration is a three-day in-depth course that leads the attendee through the basics, practical applications, operation and maintenance of potentiometric titration systems and electrodes. Interactive Q&A sessions and hands-on laboratory exercises ensure you get the most out of your time in the classroom. No previous knowledge of titration instrumentation is required. Recommended within six months of installation or at any time to train a new operator.
Who should attend?
New titration users, those new to Metrohm, those who want to grow their skills. No previous experience required.
What knowledge will you leave with?
A fundamental understanding of potentiometric titration analysis, applications and systems, how to operate and standardize your titrators, as well as the capability to troubleshoot your system and keep it in top condition.
Moisture Analysis with Karl Fischer Titration is a three-day in-depth course that leads the attendee through the basics, practical applications, operation, and maintenance of Karl Fischer Titration systems. Interactive Q&A sessions and hands-on laboratory exercises ensure you get the most out of your time in the classroom. No previous knowledge of titration instrumentation is required. Recommended within 6 months of installation or at any time to train a new operator.
Who should attend?
New titration users, those new to Metrohm, those who want to grow their skills.
What knowledge will you leave with?
A fundamental understanding of Karl Fischer titration analysis, applications and systems, how to operate and standardize your titrators, as well as the capability to troubleshoot your system and keep it in top condition.
Day 1: Introduction, setup, and basic operation
- Moisture analysis overview
- Volumetric vs. coulometric
- Best practices for KF titrations
- Introduction to Touch Control/Tibase/Tamo software
Day 2: Optimization of methods
- Titration parameters
- Reagents and co-solvents
- Sample handling techniques
- Method development
- Hands-on workshops in method development and operation
Day 3: Maintenance and Troubleshooting (1/2 day)
- Electrode and instrument maintenance
- Troubleshooting